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The “Law of 250” was hailed by the great Joe Girard, and states that the average person has a network of 250 people that would attend their funeral or wedding. 

Each person we have a positive impact on can exponentially begin to increase our influence and reach outwards to more and more people who most likely have never even heard of you…yet.

He concludes that if one person was treated wrongly, then he had lost 250 possible clients and not just one. On the contrary, if he befriended another person then he gained 250 and not just one. 

So our individual sphere of influence reaches an average of 250 people, each of which has their own similar sized network that they’re the center of.

Joe Girard was a renowned salesman who held the Guinness World Record for selling the most cars in a year for 12 consecutive years. Girard’s approach to networking and sales was based on the concept of the sphere of influence, which he believed was the key to building a successful career in sales.

According to Girard, the sphere of influence refers to the people within a salesperson’s network who are most likely to become customers or provide referrals. This includes not only friends and family but also colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances, and even strangers. Girard argued that by focusing on building strong relationships with the people in their sphere of influence, salespeople could significantly increase their chances of success.

Girard’s approach to networking and sales was based on the principle of the law of large numbers. He believed that the more people a salesperson interacts with, the greater their chances of making a sale. However, Girard emphasized that it was not enough to simply reach out to a large number of people. Salespeople must also focus on building trust and rapport with their prospects.

One of the key strategies Girard employed to build relationships with his sphere of influence was to send out greeting cards. He sent cards to his prospects on various occasions, such as birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. Girard believed that this simple act of thoughtfulness helped him stand out from other salespeople and made his prospects more likely to consider him when they were in the market for a new car.

Another important aspect of Girard’s approach to networking and sales was his focus on providing value. He believed that salespeople should not only focus on making a sale but also on helping their prospects solve their problems. By providing useful information and advice, salespeople could position themselves as trusted advisors rather than just another salesperson.

The concept of the sphere of influence is a powerful tool for networking and sales, as demonstrated by Joe Girard’s approach. By focusing on building strong relationships with the people in their network and providing value, salespeople can significantly increase their chances of success. 

However, it is essential to remember that building a sphere of influence takes time and effort. 

It requires consistent and thoughtful interactions with prospects and a commitment to providing value. 

By adopting these principles, salespeople can establish themselves as trusted advisors and build a successful career in sales.